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Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Indianapolis Vitiligo Community

Look for us at the following: Shalom Clinic Back 2 School 7/20, IBE Minority Health 7/21, YMCA@Central Elementary 7/27 Contact: 317-648-0075 text or call

Do you or a family member or a close friend have vitiligo? Or do you just want to be supportive and learn more? We invite you to come and join us. You don't have to do what I do, just come and sit or help me hand out information, that's being supportive! Whatever your talent is, we can use it! Most of all we need your prayers and money to help us empower children and youth and adults to live their lives regardless of their spots, until a cure is found! And we want to help as many attend WORLD VITILIGO DAY as possible! Contact me I will fill you in!
spreading awareness...
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