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Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Indianapolis Vitiligo Community
We are "Boots On The Ground" in Indiana spreading vitiligo awareness everywhere we go, to prevent bullying and rejection of children and adults that have this skin disease!
We are now meeting EVERY OTHER MONTH. Our next meeting will be in Indianapolis, IN, in September! I'm taking suggestions now on Facebook Messenger! Get your bid in we're deciding soon!
Please click on 'coming up' for *meeting updates *from now on!
Pronounced "vittle-eye-go!"Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin disease, where the immune system that normally fights disease and germs in the body, now kills the melanin (gives skin color))cells in our skin leaving white spots/patches.
We are a State Affiliate of VitFriends

World Vitiligo Day Houston, TX, 2019, 320 in Attendance!
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